entries in collection

Filmsground Info


Updated 15.11.2020 | Site Version 1.4.2


This is my films collection list, all those films what i own, i have in my home by DVD, Bly-ray, VHS, Eigital version or seen in Cinema. This site is more like my personal and i love list all my films. So later is great look what i have.

All info based on IMDB and wikipedia.org dadabase, any errors, bugs, wrong info etc, report to my email!

Anyway this site is up thanks to PHP project devopler named firestarter87, huge thanks to him!

Contact me via email



- Added more options, fixed stuff.

- Backround image

- Moviedb to filmdb

- Added info page


- Added jquery tooltip plugin

- Added to "Type" image instead of text (thanks to firestarter87)

- Added info icon to right side

- Fixed tooltip error instead "alt" to "title"

- Added to footer browser supported icons

- Fixed some style errors

- Added new styling hr line's

- Fixed some bugs


- Added rating icons instead of text (thanks to firestarter87 )

- Fixed backround image scrolling issue


- Added  Trailer icon in same line with movie title popup player 

- Added Film Home Page icon under imdb rating 


- Fixed some bugs

- Fixed film official homepage location and styling

- Added new feature, "Issue Report".

You can now report film, if there has some false or wrong info. Click to icon what located now right upside of coner, grey triangle. Thanks to @FireStarter87

- Film Type and Film Rating is now swapped

- Film Homepage and IMDB Rating icon styling has now changed

- Overall site styling and colors has been now changed to grey and dark grey style

- Added shodow effect to film poster

- Film trailer icon has now been moved to left side of upside coner

- Film poster image quality has now been changed better

- Fixed serval bug's and holes


- Added Tagline function to films with tooltip if film tagline is to long

- Film Homepage and IMDB icons added to back old place with some tweaking

- Added easy edit button to front film page for admin only

- Added Film/Games news corner, you can view all news here

- Added Filmsground pages corner, you can view all pages here

- Added live site version nr to footer area

- Filmsground moved over new hosting, Arvixe Hosting

- Added new admin page style and login page with Bootstrap 3 NEW AWESOME LOOKING

- Fixed many bugs and errors

- Improved site speed and performance

Ang again special big thanks to firestarter87 who helped a lot to make those changes in Filmsground yes


- Added new hr style to main film site

- Fixed Latest film, right side News icons and text more compact

- in view movie page changed film details styling. "About Film" and changed, Description style

- Fixed Admin only "Edit Film" button location

- Added new function "Dev Mode", if i change somethink on site or adding, i can turn Dev mode message on, it display main film site

- Maded some changes in admin page and fixed some issues/bugs

- Changed better styling in news page

 - Added News Source to news page

- Reaplaced tag styling


- Added Favorite funcsion, if film is my favorite list, then it show favorite ribbon over film poter, it also can sort films what i have in favorite list.

- Fixed serval bugs and errors.


- Fixed backround image screen resulution suitableness with all screens!


- Added  new films type "Cinema"!

- Fixed bugs and errors!