entries in collection

Terms of Use

Welcome to filmsground, this is my hobby where i show movies what i have watched and listed as a movie type like DVD, VHS, Digital or Blu-Ray. Some movies has listed as a favorites what is marked especially ribbon cover image poster!


Here is some informations about using my site and little rules as a "Terms of Use".

To begin with, on the site hundreds people communicate with each other and all of them have different religions and beliefs. They all are full visitors of our website, so if we want this community of people to function we need to follow rules. We strongly recommend you to read these rules, it will take you only few minutes, to save yours and our time to help make filmsground more interesting and organized.


All movies what you see in filmsgroud site is listed as a movies what i have watched, some of them i own in my psychical collection by DVD or Blu-Ray or old fashion VHS. Movies what are listed as a "Digital" is purchased from online like Amazon, Google Play Movies.

Also movies listed as a "Digital" means movies under watched from TV, Netflix, Amazon etc.


Filmsground won't host any of movies or show links where you can watch movies illegally, Filmsground won't support any piracy! So please don't ask where to watch movies!


Filmsground won't collect any visitors personal data or any kind other informations!

Movies images (as a "Posters") is movies official poster images what is owned third party websites like IMDB or wikipedia has hosted in filmsground web server!


Movie informations like "Genre", "Director", "Distributed/Studio", "Cast", "Runtime", "Homepage", "Movie description", "Year", "Title", "Tagline" is mixed from IMDB and Wikipedia sites to show movie information as precisely as possible!


Movie Trailer is from YouTube, in most cases trailer is from movie officially YouTube channel.


IMDB Rating is live rating from IMDB site thanks due IMDB movie API.


Filmsground Rating as a my rating is rating what i have given personally to movie.

You also can view news in Filmsground site. News content is pulled from third party websites, every news page has source link where news content has been taken. News contect is free to use and Filmsground is not responsible news content correctness!


Here is listed some of Filmsground functions and futures, what help to navigate more easily:

- To search some specific movie, you can use search functions. Search by Title, Director or Cast.

- In main page you can see list of all movies, to sort movies you can use sort future. Sort movie by Title, Year, Genre, Type or Rating or sort movies by latest added.

- In main page you can see top of movies list Latest Added movie also latest added news by news title.

- "There are ? films in collections" show how much movies has been added to Filmsground, this is live counter and it update automatically when new movie has been added!

- To view movies by genre there is Genre dropdown navigation listed all genres also listed News category and link to Lates Added and Favorites list.

- In view movie you can click to Favorite ribbon if movie has been added to favorite list, what take you page where you can see all favorites listed movies.

- Film Type, Genre, Director, Distributed/Studio, Cast and Year is also clickable what take you to page where has movies same informations fields like just mentioned here.

- Movie homepage icon is clickable, to click on, it will open movie official homepage.

- IMDB text beafore imdb rating is clickable, to click on, it will open movie imdb page.

- To view some informations, you can hover over it and it will show informations tooltip.


To report some movie (false info, incorrect links/dead links etc) there is function "Report Movie" in view movie page, down movie info gray triangle icon, fill fields and send report, i try fix error asap!


Website engine is powered by "LamaCMS" and "MDB1987", new theme is based on FlixGo template.


I want especially thanks FireStarter and Nikolay Y, who help me make Filmsground more better than ever!

I realy hope you "dear visitor" enjoy my site as much you can and maybe found some cool move to watch next wink

If you have any questions/suggestion/ideas or other concern, please feel free contact me with email!

- Filmsground Terms of Use